Saturday, August 27, 2011


Happenstance, some proclaim
The many instances of life that make up a day
"The sunrise? Well, it just rises because that is what the sun does."
Creation, existence, the cosmos, the forces of nature and all the other many facets of
the universe are just one big incidental coincidence.
Yet despite the scoffers Godless point of view, He still works.
He who never sleeps, though unseen, with tender mercy is actively involved
in His creation.
No way
It is God
Do not be overwhelmed by circumstances my friend, but realize that there
is a loving force that has your best interest in mind.
Embrace this force and He who controls all is yours.


  1. smiles. yes i am a believer...nothing is randow...there is a hand that moves it...

  2. AMEN! Well done!


  3. and he is actively involved...i like that and i believe that

  4. I believe and agree with you.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful message.

  5. I believe, to be chance is insane once you've understood the complexities of DNA.

  6. Science and faith do not need to be at odds with one another. The force in us to believe has been with humans since the beginning. Write on!

  7. Synchronicity...pure potentiality. Miracles surround us, we exist because of them. God lives and breathes through each and every one of us. WE are the weavers of his magic...powerful words from you today...well done!

  8. "Happenstance/Coincidence?" we all have different names for Him...even happenstance and coincidence are guided by His hand. quite a poignant and lovely piece.
